Coin Hack in Madden

This is a script style hack which will allow you to automatically win any coin toss in madden. It works by simulating the coin toss with no human opponent. This allows the computer to make the decision for you, therefore giving you an automatic win for even games or flips where your team is favored by 6 points. This is particularly useful in tournaments where you need to win at least 6 games. It can also be used if your opponent is being unrealistic with his play calling. I have tried this both online and offline, but have not tested it across any platforms other than xbox 360. The script should work on all consoles including PS3 and PC, but there are no guarantees since this is a hack. This script has been tested and works great on madden 13, but may also work for previous versions if the coin flip logic is similar. To use this you will want to open up notepad or any other text editor that can save in plain text format. Then simply enter in the commands below into a new document. Wha...